The Best Way To Lose Weight

Overweight or obesity is an abnormal or excessive fat in the human body that presents a high risk for health.

  1. It has become an epidemic that is associated with serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, fatty liver disease, etc.

AFFECTS of overweight

It can affect your brain, blood vessels, heart, liver, gallbladder, bones, and Joints.

How can you lose your overweight?

Everyone has his own unique needs, ways, thoughts, and tips for reducing weight. The most successful way of reducing weight is by using a healthy balanced diet plan.

How can you manage your weight by using some tips?

  1. Start your day by eating a healthy breakfast containing balanced protein.
  2. Used 9-inch plate, not large size
  3. Control the limits of sugar, sweets, chocolates, and other fats.
  4. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day.
  5. Enjoy fresh fruits, vegetables,
  6. Using fish, and chicken instead of red meat.

HOW weight can be lost by using these best ways

1] Diet planning

If you want to lose weight, you should be aware of all things that you can eat and drink each day.


Simple food ideas for health

You have to make a plan of meals for fast weight loss. Every  meal should contain proper protein and all types of grains such as,

Whole wheat flour, bread, pasta, brown rice, rye, barley.

Breakfast  ideas 

You have to use these things in your breakfast like,

Egg with slices and berries.

Fatless yogurt, almonds, milk, and a slice of cottage cheese.

Lunch plan

Grilled chicken, black beans, red pepper and spinach salad, chicken peas,  peanut butter.

Lettuce is rapped with grilled chicken and salsa.

Dinner plan

Ground turkey bakes with mushroom, pepper, onion, and cheese.

Grilled chicken, mango, salad.

White beans, cucumber, olive oil, parmesan.

Roasted cauliflower, Brussels, and pine nuts.


Use of Liquid.  

Drink Water
  1. Drink plenty of water every day.0.5  liters of water helps in burning the fat.
  2. Drinking the water before meals is very helpful in reducing the calories.
Drink Coffee

Most people think that coffee is a healthy diet that is not useful for health. But it is wrong thinking because coffee is loaded with antioxidants and full of energy levels too. But black coffee is very weight loss, having no calories.


Green tea is also loaded with antioxidants is a natural beverage and is helpful in weight loss and burning fat.


Eating habits

Everyone should adopt the habit of eating fruits and vegetables. All vegetables are very nutritious and healthy. But some vegetables  like potato, sweet potato winter squash, and  corn have high  carbs, so avoid them,

Vegetables are like,










How to lose weight by taking exercise 

You should take exercise daily for weight loss.  Exercises, like




Brisk walking


Cycling is a cardio-type exercise for weight loss. In this exercise legs are used for weight loss to keep moving foot on the pedals, it’s more effective in reducing fat. Some people use cycles as transport.  

Which makes them more fit and healthy.


Swimming is a more suitable exercise for all ages, people can do it leisurely. It is also a cardio exercise that provides a natural resistance of water that helps to lose weight from the lower portion easily.


Running is a very suitable and fit exercise for the heart and lungs to work hard. Working hard leads to burning the fat that is stored around the body such as fat cells. In this regard, people can run in parks, and streets in their locality. This is a more easy and cheaper way of exercise for everyone.


Walking more easiest type of exercise for weight loss, because it comfortable way, you can walk according to your own will as your body consumes the duration of walking. It improves the ability of learning, and thinking, as well as sleep sound. 

How to reduce weight by adopting a good attitude.

Sometimes our health is connected with our daily attitude, and how we control our emotions and situation. Stress affects our entire system, so we behave well to maintain our digestive system, which can help us lose weight.

Practice the mindfulness

In a good attitude, you have to practice mindfulness, slow down, think about your meal, its smell, taste, and looks, feel better, and think positively. These feelings will give you peace of mind that makes your weight low. This practice will help you eat properly and lose weight.

Yoga state of mind

The people who practice yoga, have less weight than others. Because yoga tends to be a more mindful approach to eating. According to researchers, the state of calmness in yoga is more helpful in weight loss.

Disturbance  in eating

The use of social media during the eating process is so harmful to health. In disturbance you will get over eating, thus do not scroll smart phone because mindfulness gives you weight.

How to lose weight by the reduction of sugar refined carbohydrates.

White rice, pasta, and bread are major types of carbohydrates. These kinds of food are easily digested but they convert quickly into glucose and glucose enters into the blood and provokes the hormone insulin, which adds fat storage and this is an addition to weight gain. So people should avoid the excessive use of these kinds of food. They  have to use this type of,

All types of grain, pasta, rice, and bread, instead of all white versions.

Fruits, nuts, and seeds, instead of high-sugar snacks,

Maximum use of fiber helps lose weight.

Fiber-rich foods include,

All grain breakfast cereals, grain bread, oats, barley, and rye.

Fruits and vegetables.

Please,  beans, and pulses.

Nuts and seed.

How sleep is a big factor in weight loss.

According to research, a disturbed, poor, insufficient, and low quality of sleep is a cause of slowing down the process in which the body converts calories into energy called metabolism, which increases the level of fat in the body. 


If everyone wants to lose weight, there are many factors, such as age, sex, diet, daily activities, and condition of health. Research suggests that proper sleep, balancing diet, and eating healthy can help people lose weight. So lead a simple life and get comfort with less weight.

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