Plank workouts for beginners.

A plank workouts involves balancing on toes and forearms as we hold the rest of our body off the ground. We maintain a neutral spine position and align our head, torso, and legs.. Planking is an isometric exercise since it keeps our core muscles contracted in one position. 

Plank workouts are an excellent starting point for beginners looking to strengthen their core and improve overall fitness. The plank is a simple yet effective exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, including the abs, back, shoulders, and glutes. It requires no equipment and can be done anywhere, making it a convenient choice for those new to fitness.

Duration of Plank.

Most experts suggest anywhere from 10 up to 30 seconds is plenty. “Focus on doing multiple sets of smaller amounts of time,” says L’Italien. As we progress, we can extend our plank for up to one or even two minutes, but don’t go beyond that.

As you become more comfortable with the basic plank, you can explore variations to keep the workout challenging and engaging. Side planks, plank jacks, and shoulder taps are great options for adding variety. Consistency is key, so incorporate planks into your routine several times a week to see steady improvement in strength and stability.

Function of Plank.

While planks are effective for strengthening the core muscles, spot reduction of fat in a specific area, such as the belly, is not possible. To reduce overall body fat, including belly fat, a combination of regular exercise, a balanced diet, and a calorie deficit is necessary.

Basic Plank.

Start in a Forearm Plank Position:

 Begin by lying face down on the floor. Prop ourselves up on our forearms with our elbows directly under our shoulders. Keep your forearms parallel to each other, with your hands either clasped together or kept apart.

Align Your Body: 

Lift the body off the ground, balancing on forearms and toes. Our body should form a straight line from our head to our heels. Avoid sagging hips or arching back.

Engage Your Core: 

Tighten abdominal muscles as if bracing for a punch. Keep our glutes and thighs engaged as well.

Maintain Neutral Neck Alignment:

 Keep our neck in line with the spine. Avoid looking up or letting our heads drop

Breathe Steadily: 

Maintain steady, controlled breathing throughout the exercise. Don’t hold

Hold the Position:

 Start by holding the plank for 20-30 seconds, gradually increasing the duration as you build strength.

 Benefits of planks.

  • Plank workouts offer total-body engagement, working the legs, core, back, arms, and shoulders.
  • Isometric exercise can build muscle strength and endurance.
  • Planks don’t require equipment and can be done anywhere, making them convenient for people of different fitness levels.

How many calories are burned?

 A light-intensity bodyweight exercise like planking might burn around three to four calories per minute.1 Keep in mind that you might burn more calories than that if you add work to the exercise by trying a plank variation.

Effectiveness of Plank workout.

Plank is an effective bodyweight exercise that strengthens the core. It improves stability, and flexibility and also enhances balance and coordination in the body. Known for its metabolism-boosting advantages, this particular exercise is said to burn calories and aid weight loss.

Plank Variations.

 Start on our knees and hands. This modification reduces strain on the core and back, making it a great starting point for beginners. Drop down to our forearms while maintaining the same body alignment.  Lie on our side, propping ourselves up on one elbow. Lift our hips to create a straight line from head to feet.


Plank workouts are an effective and accessible way for beginners to strengthen their core, improve stability, and enhance overall fitness. Additionally, by mastering the basic plank and then gradually incorporating variations, we can enhance our fitness level while also enjoying the process.

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